Enterprise Insight


Collaboration in Enterprise Insight has been designed to leverage the best proven modern technologies to facilitate near real-time distribution of data, across active users.

This is coupled with intuitive application functionality, to ensure users work without unnecessary interference and with access to contributions from the user community, as it is available.

Enterprise Insight users don’t have to be trained on collaboration; they simply use the tool! and the tool takes care of the collaboration in the background.

Fully Automated View Production

Enterprise Insight puts automation at the forefront of the product, our goal is to produce all of the views required, based on your data alone.

This is demonstrated by our unique automation technology, which has the ability to generate views aligned with standards and formatted automatically using methods required by architects.

Using Enterprise Insight, most content can be produced automatically, using functionality designed by architects, for architects.

Semi Automated or Manual View Production

While Enterprise Insight offers unique and powerful automation functionality, we recognize automation alone is not fit for purpose. Our tool allows automated views to be exported to our diagramming interface, so you can automate and then finalize a view manually. This combination of automation and manual editing functionality gives architects complete control over their content.

We see automation as a critical functionality in enabling faster architecture work, but while this is given a priority in the tool, it is optional. We have the ability to create architecture views using a fully manual approach which truly empowers our users. Manual diagramming is done using a draw.io compatible diagramming interface, which has the benefit of allowing existing work to be leveraged.

Full Standards Support

Our tool has the ability to support all relevant standards and frameworks, including ArchiMate, TOGAF and OMDDMS.

We use a simple set of metamodel management tools to achieve
this quickly and easily.

Accessible Data

Enterprise Insight was developed for the needs of the modern architecture team, as a result our API is fully accessible and empowered with “out of the box” connectors.

We see our tool as a part of your ecosystem and in order to fulfill that vision we know the data stored in it should be easy to get in and easy to get out.

Flexible Configuration

Our metamodel is extremely flexible, it is straight forward to setup custom metamodels and even possible to maintain multiple metamodels to cater for the needs of a diverse user community.

With Enterprise Insight, you can support a community of users strictly adhering to a framework, as well as a group of users who need more flexibility.

One of the guiding principles for our organization is that it should be possible to have one tool for all architects without compromise.

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