Application Portfolio Management

Surpass your APM goals, Fast

Our Application Portfolio Management (APM) solution draws on over a decade of experience to deliver a turn-key solution centered around a set of high level common goals. Our solution combines prescribed configuration and reporting to reduce time to value. Our toolset has a high level of flexibility, enabling APM goals to be customized to accommodate even the most challenging customer requirements.

Application Rationalization

Application rationalization is a common goal of APM efforts. Our solution uses common methodologies such as TIME analysis to profile applications and allow decision makers to assess the application landscape holistically. Using Enterprise Insight, rationalization goals have never been easier to achieve.

Performance Management

The modern world of enterprise architecture permits the use of more data points than ever before, with better integration technologies. Using our REST API, and prescribed configuration, unlocking performance management insights is quick and easy. Using this performance data and combining it with other architecture data open up an APM lense to give a more complete picture of the application landscape.

Cost Management

Cost management deviates from low level cost numbers and looks at cost at a strategic level. This approach facilitates broader conversations with key stakeholders and focuses on a combined view of cost data with other lenses. 

Enterprise Insight helps organizations to streamline their enterprise architecture and digital transformation initiatives. We facilitate faster, more effective deliverable creation to allow you to produce the best architecture deliverables.

Enterprise Insight Portal enables you to communicate your architecture deliverables like never before. Produce meaningful analyses of your work and put your architecture deliverables into the hands of the people who need them most.

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